大丰对福喜其实并未忘情,他不自觉地来到万福楼,却看到福喜匆匆赶往医院。大丰发现小菲病重,于是找了名医来治疗小菲,与福喜也冰释前嫌。但小菲突然病情转急,灶神下凡,用"天元神珠"救了小菲。元气大伤的灶神正要离去,却与福喜偶遇。 Dafeng actually still loves Fuxi and comes by Wan Fu Lou. He sees her rushing to the hospital and realizes that Yi Fei is sick. He tries to help but her condition worsens. The Kitchen God comes down to help Yi Fei. Just as he is about to leave, he bumps into Fuxi.