福喜与父亲二虎经营餐馆万福楼,当年她婚后丈夫就不告而别,留下女儿亦菲,而差点和福喜结婚的大丰对福喜的突然悔婚愤恨不已。原来福喜的丈夫是天上的灶神,与福喜有一段姻缘,他下凡原本想为福喜和大丰牵红线,谁知糊涂导致福喜怀孕,只好和她结婚。 Fuxi and her father Er-Hu run a restaurant called Wan Fu Lou. Her husband left her and her daughter Yi Fei years ago. Dafeng, who was suppose to marry Fuxi, left after her act of betrayal. It turns out Fuxi's husband is the Kitchen God and his fate is intertwined with hers. Years ago, he came down from the heavens to try and help match-make Dafeng and Fuxi but in a mistake, ends up getting Fuxi pregnant.